Projects - Tourism - Project 1 - Copenhagen

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Program for small Sichuan delegations visiting Scandinavia (10-15 persons)


When What Who How
Day 1 - 18.30: Arrival Kastrup Airport. ED, LM Details►►
Day 1 - 19.30: Check-in hotel. ED, LM Details►►
Day 1 - 20.30: Dinner in Tivoli. Enjoy Tivoli Amusement park. ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 9.00: Breakfast ED, LM  
Day 2 - 10.00: Roundtrip by bus and boat ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 12.30: Meeting with the Mayor of Traffic in the Town Hall ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 14.00: Lunch, Nyhavn ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 15.30: Visit Denmarks largest waste site on Amager ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 19.00: Dinner ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 2 - 21.00: Plaza Library Bar ED, LS, LM Details►►
Day 3 - 8.30: Breakfast and check-out ED, LM  
Day 3 - 10.00: Departure, bus to Sweden ED, LM  
ED: Erik Dich, LS: Line Sjoeqvist, LM: Li Min
